Episode 2

Published on:

27th Apr 2020

Perfection vs. Imperfection: Unveiling the heart of a pastor’s wife

Special guest Coletta Smith, of Mission Hills Church and a pastor’s wife for over 26 years, shines a light on the topic, "what your pastor’s wife wishes you knew about her but didn’t know how to tell you until now." 

0:14 Twanna Henderson introduces guest speaker Coletta Smith from Mission Hills Church in Littleton, Colorado.

1:19 Coletta shares how there are two types of churches. Churches that look for perfection in their pastor and churches that look for imperfection in their pastors. 

3:52 Coletta describes from her own experience and the pastors’ wives she has interacted with what the general reflection of a pastor’s wife’s heart is. 

5:49 Coletta shares how a wise pastor’s wife navigates through trust. 

7:44 Coletta shares a real-life experience of walking through criticism from others. 

10:37 A nugget of truth Coletta and her husband hold on to: chew the meat and spit out the bones.

12:34 Coletta honestly shares her thought struggle at the beginning of her ministry, saying, "There is a big place for my husband, but there is no place for me."

14:02 Coletta is honest about her second struggle of feeling uninvited. 

15:33 Twanna asks, "Does the pastor’s wife have friends?" 

18:49 Coletta challenges pastors’ wives to think about where they are finding their value.

21:22 The unique calling of a pastor’s wife is to walk shoulder to shoulder with her husband and figuring out how to support him in the role of shepherding his flock. 

23:11 Twanna asks Coletta what she would tell a new pastor’s wife.

24:42 Coletta shares her family’s fun and normal moments and also shares about their harder times. 

28:33 Prayer is the best way the church can support their pastor’s wife.

29:21 Pastors’ wives can feel under-appreciated at times.

31:41 Coletta closes in prayer over all pastors’ wives. 

For video versions of episode 48 and onward visit us on Youtube.

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T Time: Spiritual conversations For, With and About Women.
T Time: Spiritual Conversations For, With and About Women a new podcast featuring Dr. Twanna Henderson, with special guest appearances in every episode. You will hear true inspirational stories from other women and about other women. Each episode will feel like you are sitting in on a very special gathering with some of your most life-giving friends over a cup of tea. Whether you are a working professional, serving in ministry, a stay-at-home mom or an empty nester, this podcast is for you.