Episode 3

Published on:

3rd Jun 2020

Faith and Sexuality: A mother and son’s experience of God’s redemptive love - part 1

Speaker, author, Bible professor and bearer of Christ Dr. Christopher Yuan joins as a special guest discussing the topic of identity. He shares his journey of "coming out" to his non-Christian parents and how God's redemptive story for them begins with changing his parents’ hearts and ultimately catching up to him through a long and hard prodigal story.   

0:27 Twanna introduces special guest, Dr. Christopher Yuan.

1:24 Dr. Yuan opens up about his family history and how they did not begin as a Christian family. 

1:51 Dr. Yuan shares about when he told his parents he was gay.

2:10 Dr. Yuan describes his mother as a "Tiger mom." Tiger moms would go to the end of the world to make sure their kids are the best at everything. This is a common term that the Chinese would call their mothers.

2:45 Dr. Yuan shares a quote from his friend, "often the enemy distracts us with good things from doing the best things." 

3:40 Dr. Yuan opens up about how he abandoned his Chinese culture for the American dream. 

4:50 Dr. Yuan shares how his mother was going to end her life. 

6:07 Twanna reiterates how it wasn’t until his mother became a Christian that she was able to love him just as he was. 

9:27 Dr. Yuan explains that sometimes mothers or parents can get in the way of God and try to remove the consequences that God wants to use to break them free. 

10:50 Dr. Yuan shares how his miracle finally came knocking at his door when he was charged with having the equivalent of 9.1 tons of marijuana. 

12:41 Dr. Yuan's mom specifically prayed that God would do whatever it takes for his friends to desert him.

13:38 Dr. Yuan shares how he found a Bible in the trash in prison and scribbled on his cell wall it said, "if you are bored read Jeremiah 29:11." 

14:30 Dr. Yuan says God was first calling him to himself before calling him out of homosexuality. 

16:10 Dr. Yuan explains theological anthropology, which is the study of humanity through God’s eyes. 

17:16 Dr. Yuan answer Twanna’s question on identity.

18:42 Dr. Yuan shares how sexuality is not who we are; it is how we are. 

18:50 Twanna asks Dr. Yuan, what is holy sexuality? 

20:20 Holy sexuality is either chastity and singleness or faithfulness in marriage. 

24:20 Dr. Yuan shares how there will be no sexuality in heaven; sexuality will be filled in Christ.

For video versions of episode 48 and onward visit us on Youtube.

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About the Podcast

T Time: Spiritual conversations For, With and About Women.
T Time: Spiritual Conversations For, With and About Women a new podcast featuring Dr. Twanna Henderson, with special guest appearances in every episode. You will hear true inspirational stories from other women and about other women. Each episode will feel like you are sitting in on a very special gathering with some of your most life-giving friends over a cup of tea. Whether you are a working professional, serving in ministry, a stay-at-home mom or an empty nester, this podcast is for you.