Episode 34

Published on:

4th Jan 2023

What is my calling?

Are you still trying to figure out your calling in life? What if, instead, you look at what's possibly been there all along? On this T Time episode, we explore the life of Shannon Harris, who lays out clear indications that can help lead you closer to your calling. 

00:09 Introducing Shannon Harris.

01:58 Who is Shannon Harris and how did she get to this point? 

04:27 When did you first feel that strong tug to serve the vulnerable children of the world? 

06:35 The passion has always been there. 

10:48 One thing led to another. 

12:51 What resume? 

14:40 New role: Senior church advisor.

18:50 What are you most passionate about doing in this role? 

20:50 We were chosen by a 12-year-old boy.

22:54 Encouragement for women trying to figure out what they're called to do. 

For video versions of episode 48 and onward visit us on Youtube.


Twanna Henderson: Welcome to T Time: Spiritual Conversations For, With and About Women. I'm your host, Twanna Henderson and as always, I want to remind you to like this podcastt and to definitely share it with someone in your life. Well, I am so excited about our guest on today. Today's guest is Shannon Harris. Shannon serves as a senior church advisor for World Vision, which is a Global Christian Humanitarian organization. Shannon has an unstoppable passion to see that every child, especially the most vulnerable has the opportunity to experience Christ's promise of life in all its fullness. In her role as senior church advisor she has the honor of connecting with churches that are in North and South Carolina, which gives her the opportunity to serve alongside local churches and pastors from all denominations. Shannon finds joy in watching congregations experience transformational experiences, by way of partnering with World Vision locally and abroad. She is a native of Charlotte, North Carolina and she loves the Carolinas with all her heart. She is a graduate of North Carolina Central University and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Consumer Sciences. She has been married to her husband Dean for nine years and she is blessed to have four bonus children and two bonus grandchildren through their union. Prior to coming to World Vision, Shannon spent 15 years working and serving at an international nonprofit in Charlotte, North Carolina. Through that organization, Shannon traveled and lead teams to countries like Uganda, South Africa, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Belize, the Dominican Republic, and Spain. Shannon loves what God has called her to do and is honored to do so and to be a light for children all over the world. Shannon, Welcome to T Time. It is good to have you here and definitely it sounds like you are living your dream job.

Shannon Harris: Literally! Honored to be here, Reverend T and so living the dream. This is what I prayed for and sometimes I have to pinch myself because I'm like, is this really work?

Twanna Henderson: That is so good. I mean, that's how life should be. You know, when we talked, I said, gosh, she would be a wonderful person to interview and with the career path that you've taken in your life, tell us how you got there. Specifically, who is Sharon Harris?

Shannon Harris: So Shannon Harris is a young woman who, since the age of 12, has had such a strong love and heart and passion to do any and everything out of the four walls of the church. So literally at the age of 12, I'm like this is not normal. Desiring to go do nursing home ministry with my mom and my aunts. Feed the homeless at age 12, I remember doing prison ministry and it wasn't like, you know, sometimes you ask youth, as a young person in the church to do things, and they may not want to do it, I wanted to do it. I was excited to do it. And doing it once a year was never enough for me, Reverend T. It was something like a burning desire that I formed before I was even a teenager and so that's when my story really began.

Twanna Henderson: Wow, wow. So who do you think helped to shape that? I mean, how that happen? Was it just watching your mom and grandmother or, you know, how was that really shaping you?

plus years. And I guess about:

Twanna Henderson: Yeah. And you know, it's so amazing when you know, a lot of times we never know who's watching us, and to be able to know that there are people who are serving and ministering and you know, and people are watching from afar. When did you first feel that strong tug and that unstoppable passion, as you say, to really serve the vulnerable children of the world?

would say that tug started in:

Twanna Henderson: Oh, my goodness, that is so amazing. So the passion for children, has that always been there?

Shannon Harris: It has always been there. My degree was in Family and Consumer Sciences but my concentration was in Early Childhood Education, as well as Special Education. I have always had a burden for the abnormal child, if you will, or the A typical child. Right out of college, I had an opportunity to teach through a program called Lifespan and CMS and all I worked with was kids with Down syndrome. I remember having blind students. That was ministry for me then, like God was already preparing me to love on these babies, some were mute. And so children have always been a part and I didn't plan on sharing this but it is part of my story, because I had no idea once I fell in love and got married, that I would find out that I can't have children. And while that was rough, when I found that news out a few years ago, I understand I even understand that my mom says, when people say, are you not sad that you're not a grandparent? She says, my baby has kids all around the world, that she serves. So I am a grandparent to many and that is legit, the truth, Reverend T, because that's how I feel. That's why he put a burden on my heart for children. That's why I had to take the courses in the classes that I took in college concerning early childhood education and special education. Combining that with scripture and just my passion to "go ye", it's like, Okay, God, I'm honored that you would call me to do such a thing. That you will call me to many children, and not just one. So I understand why I wasn't able to birth one. Because I'm able to be an advocate for many.

Twanna Henderson: You know, that perspective is so major and it's one that's unique because a lot of people would not have that perspective and it says a lot about you and it says a lot about your trusting God in terms of what he's doing. Because sometimes we do ask God, do you know what you're doing? You know, and just, you know, trusting Him and you know, what He has called you to. I know you've traveled to a lot of countries. What's one of the most memorable experiences that you've had, and where was it?

me after that and that was in:

Twanna Henderson: Wow, wow. Yeah, you know, sometimes God just allows us to experience these things that are just so overwhelming and so life changing. And, you know, he just puts us in these different these places, and we're able to just be able to see him. You know, see his human work. You know, see his presence and to be the his hands and feet, you know?

Shannon Harris: Literally.

Twanna Henderson: In certain situations and so, so that's yeah, that's, that's pretty awesome. Talk about your transition to World Vision which does a lot of amazing things but when did God call you to World Vision?

Shannon Harris: Literally in the height of a pandemic. So by the time COVID hit, I had been working with serving with Samaritan's Feet who ended up creating a position for me where I was leading out their team. So he even added a paycheck to my passion after serving with them for so many years, but 15 years, I've dedicated my life. I mean, my husband and I had their very first barefoot wedding in honor of babies whose feet I had washed while working with Samaritans feet. So I had done all the things I had done so much, but during COVID, COVID hit my house hard, literally almost lost my husband and so we both had it really bad and ended up in the hospital locally here in Charlotte. Praise God, we both ended up recovering. We are here, we are healed but during that time, because it took us months to recover. Longer than the average person. There was so much quiet time that I had and I started feeling a tug that perhaps my season was up at that local ministry that I had been a part of for so many years, and was really feeling the call to do more. Literally just like when I was down and out here laying with fever, I felt God telling me that when I came out of this, that he was calling me to do more. I didn't know what that more entailed. And so, randomly out of the blue I was able to meet, she's a dear sister in Christ in L.A. World Vision had done a shoe distribution with Samaritans feet, they had partnered, and I wasn't at that distribution but she heard about me some way somehow got my name and number and email. We connected via zoom just as sisters in Christ to talk about what she's doing in ministry, what I'm doing and I would say six months after that, she literally put the APB out on me and was looking for me and when we finally connected, she said, we are hiring in Charlotte, North Carolina and I do not want to take you away from something God has had you at for 15 years but every time they mentioned this, I see your face. And she was like, I don't know where you are with, like, if you would even be interested, she didn't know that I already had peace. My husband already had peace. We knew that it was time to do more, but we didn't know what it entailed and so from there, you know, I ended up getting the job with World Vision. And I never even tell her until a year later that God had already told me. I never even had to send my resume to any other place because he had already lined it up and so that's how I knew I was there for season, 15 years. This was my next step. And so I was really honored even for that process because everybody doesn't have that. Like I thought, okay, I'll get my resume together, I'll start reaching out to some other faith based organizations. He already knew and so it has been just an incredible ride. Because literally from day one God has been in every single step. You know, to operating fully in what I get to do, and I'm telling you, it really does not feel like work. It does not feel like a job and it's not. It is ministry for me and I'm making a career out of it.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, absolutely. I love those God stories and, yeah, when we're where we're supposed to be or where he's called us to be it's not, quote, unquote, work. I mean, you know, I mean, and none of our work should really feel like that. I mean, because we're all called to serve wherever we are, you know, and so we should really have a mindset of, you know, Lord, wherever you have me, you know, how can I represent you. And work on to you. So talk about what exactly your role at World Vision entails?

Shannon Harris: Sure. So I am a what they call a Senior Church Advisor and I'm over basically any church in North and South Carolina. That's my territory. That's my region and I get to come alongside the local church, to invite them in to do transformational experiences with us by way of child sponsorship through Chosen.

Twanna Henderson: Talk about what Chosen is. What is Chosen?

Shannon Harris: Chosen is a flipped model of child sponsorship where it used to be that members of a congregation could grab an envelope and partner with a child and sponsor them. Well, we really were prayerful. Again, God did so much in the height of the pandemic, like, what can we do? What would it look like if the child, we put the power in the child's hand and allowed them to choose the members of the congregation. And so that's one of the biggest things that I talked to missions pastors about, senior pastors about to see if we can launch children locally, in a church in North and South Carolina, to get to choose the country they want to partner with, and the child gets to choose them and it's very transformational. And so in my role, I get to invite churches to do Chosen, I get to invite them to do an annual event called the global 6k that we do every May. 6k is 3.7 miles, that is the distance that moms and children walk daily, sometimes twice a day to get dirty water.

Twanna Henderson: Oh, my goodness.

Shannon Harris: So Worldvision has a day where all over the world churches, schools, businesses, they walk, so that moms no longer have to. And I love the Global 6k. 3.7 Miles have meaning. They have a name attached to them. So I get to invite churches to do that. And, yeah, we also have some other local things that I have several churches like right now in South Carolina, Reverend T, that are a hub for items to do local outreach. So World Vision has a partnership with Costco and so we get churches that receive truckloads of items. I'm talking about couches, microwaves, air fryers, you know how many people locally in our backyard that need that stuff? And so I have churches that are hubs for us, and I get to invite them to receive those items to bless their local community. And that has been such a game changer for the churches that do that. So those are three of the things that I get to do in my role, and it brings me so much joy.

Twanna Henderson: Wow, yeah, I can see how it doesn't feel like work to you because oh, my goodness, just to be able to know that you're making an impact is so important. Now, if someone is outside of North Carolina or South Carolina, how would they connect with a senior advisor in their area?

Shannon Harris: So sometimes, depending on the church, there's a clause that will allow me to work with the church. Otherwise, I have colleagues all over the United States. So once I know what state they're in, then I connect them to their local Senior Church Advisor and try to schedule a coffee date or a lunch date or a zoom for them to connect, and then they're able to partner with their local representative, if you will.

Twanna Henderson: So how would someone get in contact with you if they wanted to know more? If they were interested?


Twanna Henderson: Okay, great. So that's a wonderful way to be able to know that they can connect with you.

Shannon Harris: Definitely

Twanna Henderson: Hopefully get more information. What is it that you're most passionate about doing in this role? I mean, you've mentioned so much, but is there one thing that you're most passionate about in this role?

Shannon Harris: Absolutely. So, as I said, I'm able to invite pastors in the local church to activate different experiences, but that comes second and third. For me, what I really love is that I get to love on pastors. I get to serve pastors. And so when connected with different churches and pastors, it may be, you know, they're all coming out of a tough time, it may be sending them a meal, it may be blessing them to go do something with their spouse. It may be a simple phone call, text or email. I am honored to be able to do that because I know pastors are tired. And World Vision has created a space and the resources where we're able to do that and so like in March, we're having like a pastors gathering. I love inviting pastors to Pastors Gathering because it's a two day time for them to rest, refill, relax, meet over 600 other pastors, pastors of all nationalities from all around the world, and we pay for that expense. I love doing that for pastors. It just brings me so much joy because yes, I can ask you to do global 6k. Yes, I can ask you to do Chosen but how are you really doing? How are you and your spouse doing? Do y'all need a break? Do you need dinner? Can I treat you? That's what I love the most about what I get to do in my role.

Twanna Henderson: Love it. That's great. Now, I know that you and your husband are proud sponsors of a little boy in Kenya. Tell us about him and his name and what he is like and how that came about.

Shannon Harris: So last December, I launched Chosen at a church in Rock Hill, South Carolina and my husband and I decided that that was the church that we were going to be Chosen for the first time. And so that church decided to partner with Kalamata Kenya. And we were chosen by a 12 year old boy named Eileen. So that's when our relationship began last December. I have not physically met Eileen yet because of COVID and travel. But I have an app on my phone that allows me to allows us to message each other, send each other pictures. he updates me. And so when I first got Eileen, he looked sad and depressed, and he's one of six siblings. Parents can't work because of the area they live in and so through this relationship that we have now, like three months ago, he sent me pictures because we actually sent him extra money. He sent me pictures of extra beans, and rice and bread. I know something simple that we take for granted. And he was like, look, Shannon, look what I was able to do for my family. A 12 year old boy, because, I don't want to cry. So it's just so powerful. He celebrated a birthday, October 28. I was able to send a little extra money, then. Every little bit counts and I am just looking forward to the date where World Vision, where Kalamata Kenya opens back up for travel so that I can go meet him. So that is in our future plants and I am just excited about that. But even just so happy that technology that just keeps us going. And I'm able to take care of him for $39 a month every month. I don't even miss it. I say it's the best $39 that I spend every month because I spend that at Panera, I spent it at Chick-fil-A.

Twanna Henderson: I know, right?

Shannon Harris: We spend it and so I keep his picture on our refrigerator so that I'm reminded, don't complain. Don't complain about anything in this refrigerator because you have something. And so I love it. I plan on being in his life until he ages out until he's 18.

Twanna Henderson: Wow, that is wonderful. I know that a lot of women who are listening to this podcast, are really trying to figure out what they're called to do. Do you have any encouraging words or any encouragement for those women?

Shannon Harris: Absolutely. This is what I tell people. I mean, it's so simple. So when I talked to you earlier about knowing and having certain desires and interests at the age of 12, I tell women that I meet, hone in to those hobbies or things that if you wake up every day, and you can't stop thinking about doing certain things, don't dismiss those feelings, because that those may be the very things and interests that God is calling you to do. And so it wasn't by happenstance that I went to school and one of the degrees was with children. It was all a part of my path. And so I tell them, like, listen, if you wake up and all you can do is think about singing? Well, perhaps you need to find out is it time for you to be a worship leader? Is it time for you to sing on the choir, anything, it could be sports. One of my closest friends, she offers this fitness class at her church every Monday for free, that is ministry. So God took an interest that she had to be physically fit, and now she's able to be a blessing to women at her church and other churches, or people that are unchurched. And so I really tell them, don't ignore those things. And don't you ever think that God won't call you to do something that seems like oh, this is just a hobby or something I like. You can absolutely do something that you love and that you're passionate about.

Twanna Henderson: Absolutely. I love that. That is so good. And yeah, just really paying attention to those things that speak to us. And we may sometimes just kind of overlooked. When it's really God, you know, nudging us and steering us. Well, as we close and this has been so good. I really want to ask you just to pray for our listeners. Pray for churches and for leaders who may be seeking a way to do more ministry outside the walls of the church. Can you do that for us, please?

Shannon Harris: Absolutely. Sovereign God, we thank you. We just can we thank you for this day, first of all. We thank you that this is the day that you have made and you have created, God. I just want to take time to rejoice, God and be glad in it, Father. So as we've come together on today, and we've shared and we've talked about my journey and my path God, I want to just lift up all the listening ears, whether they are currently leaders or have a desire to become a leader, even in their local ministry, God. I just pray to you God that you would just begin to speak through experiences, through your Word, God. That you'd begin to tug their heart Father, that you will open their ears God. That they will be attentive to that which you are leading and guiding them to do. And God, I pray for every age bracket, because sometimes people think that, oh, well, I've reached a certain age and it's too late for me to do what God has called me to do. God let them know that it's never too late, oh, God. Let them know God that, you know, before they were born, you placed things inside of them, God. And I pray God that these things will be manifested in them before their time ends on this earth, Oh God. I pray that you just anoint the work of their hands, God. I pray that you would just begin to stir things up God in dreams as they lie down at night to rest, God. Or through a conversation they may have with a co-worker or friend or family member God. That you will order their steps, oh God. That you will anoint them God and give them just a refresh, a refreshing and a renewed spirit, God and a heart to do. To go ye and to do what you lift their hands and their feet to do. And God I lift up just again, maybe they're not even churched and they're listening today, God, and they're saying, you know, can God call me to do something? Oh, absolutely God. And so God, I pray that this message and just our sharing and talking today has blessed someone that has pricked their heart for them to be motivated and know that you know, God can call even the smallest of children to serve and to do that which he's called them to do. God, we love you today. We praise you and we bless you God for this beautiful day and time of sharing and it's in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Twanna Henderson: Amen. Well Shannon, thank you so much just for all that you do for the kingdom of God and for your unstoppable passion. I love it. I love it. It's been so great to talk with you. And to all of our listeners, thank you for joining us today. I'm Twanna Henderson and until we connect the next time, be blessed of the Lord.

Show artwork for T Time: Spiritual conversations For, With and About Women.

About the Podcast

T Time: Spiritual conversations For, With and About Women.
T Time: Spiritual Conversations For, With and About Women a new podcast featuring Dr. Twanna Henderson, with special guest appearances in every episode. You will hear true inspirational stories from other women and about other women. Each episode will feel like you are sitting in on a very special gathering with some of your most life-giving friends over a cup of tea. Whether you are a working professional, serving in ministry, a stay-at-home mom or an empty nester, this podcast is for you.