Episode 38

Published on:

3rd May 2023

So you feel called to entrepreneurship?

Ruth King Chaseau started selling popcorn at a young age. Now, she's a successful businesswoman with a heart to see other women succeed in their God-given gifts. One of the tools she has used to encourage women in entrepreneurship is her magazine, EMPOW(HER). Listen to today's podcast and get inspired on your business walk. Whether you're just in the dreaming stages or years into it, you're guaranteed to walk away empowered and encouraged to keep going.

00:09 Intro to today's guest

01:09 Ruth's faith and faith journey

03:11 How did your love for business start?

04:54 How did EMPOW(HER) magazine become?

06:17 What have been some challenges you've faced since starting your business journey

08:45 Where did your passion for business come from?

15:11 The importance of having a plan.

17:32 What is your purpose behind each business?

19:59 Giving the Lord the glory for all of your success.

For video versions of episode 48 and onward visit us on Youtube.


Twanna Henderson: Welcome to T Time: Spiritual Conversations For, With and About Women. I'm your host, Twanna Henderson and as always, I want to remind you to like this broadcast, and to definitely share it with someone in your life. Well, I have a very exciting guest with us today. Today's guest is Ruth King-Chaseau. Ruth is an amazing businesswoman. She is the founder, owner and visionary of Island Flavor Jewles, the Women in Business VII and Caribbean and EMPOW(HER) magazine. She is also a wife, a mother and an educator. Ruth is married to pastor Arlington Chaseau and together with their two children, they serve at the Sunny Isle Baptist Church, on the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands. Her greatest passion is helping women to be all that God has created them to be. And she firmly believes when a woman walks with God, she will always reach her destination. Ruth, Welcome to T Time.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Thank you for having me.

Twanna Henderson: It's so good to have you. You know, it was a pleasure meeting you earlier this year. And I was just so excited about all that you're doing as a woman in business. But before we kind of talk about your love for business, tell us a little bit about Ruth, and about your faith journey.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Okay, well, I am a pastor's kid. I grew up on the island of well, I relocated to Trinidad, like around at the age of four. My dad went to Trinidad to be a missionary. So I grew up in a pastor's home. I gave my life to Christ at a very early age, I think it was about 10. But it was at the age of 17 as a teenager, that I really rededicated my life to him. I went off to college, and I did stray a bit. But one thing I can say I wasn't faithful to God all the time but God was always faithful to me. And it was in grad school, when I really solidified my relationship with him when I found him to be my healer, my provider, my everything, he was everything to me and more during my time in grad school. So from grad school up to now, I began a journey, a new journey, I would say, of knowing Him better and loving him more.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, that's so amazing, you know, we just have the opportunity to grow in the Lord and, you know, you being a young woman at that time, I mean, says a whole lot because, you know, a lot of times when we are in our 20s, you know, early 20s and, you know, in that age range, we're just kind of all over the place, you know? And really trying to find ourselves and so the fact that you were, you know, able to do that really at a young age, when you were just really still shaping who you were, you know, as a woman says a whole lot about you and about your upbringing. You know, about your family and growing up in a pastor's home for sure. So I know you've got this love for business. So I want to, I want to kind of talk about your business passion. Tell us when and how your love for business started, and the types of businesses that you currently have.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Okay, so my love for business started at a very early age. I actually started selling popcorn, at 16 years old, I sold popcorn to students. Then I went on to selling my clothes, used clothes, I'd sell it in the market. I'd go to the market and I'd sit on the on the floor of the market back then and sell my clothes. Then I got promoted, I got a table. So I started to sell. So I was always selling something. All my life. I mean, from my teenage years, throughout college, I was always selling. Whether it was some type of product or some service, I was always a part of networking companies, network marketing companies, so I was always selling. My parents, my maternal grandparents, they were really prominent business owners on the island of Trinidad. And my uncles and my aunts they owned businesses throughout the US. So I think it's in my DNA to really love business as well. So my passion for business started at a young age and it just grew over the years but I think it was in my mid 30s, I'm not 40, in my mid 30s It really developed.

Twanna Henderson: Okay, well talk to us about the businesses that you have now.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Okay, so I have three businesses. The first one is Island Flavor Jewels, where I do sell sterling silver jewelry and costume jewelry. I have Women in Business VI Caribbean which is an organization that promotes and supports female business entrepreneurs in the Caribbean and the US Virgin Islands. I also have EMPOW(HER) magazine, which is a magazine that inspires, elevates and supports female business owners and women of influence in the territory, which is the US Virgin Islands.

Twanna Henderson: So how did that come about? I mean, to have a magazine, that's, that's pretty major.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Well, starting women in business, I realized that we needed more marketing tools. And I thought about the magazine, I want to say it was a God given idea. Because it's taken off, and it's been doing really well. We're now in the hotels, we're now at the stores the local stores. We're at restaurants. We're like everywhere between St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John. So I'm getting back to your question, how did I start the magazine, it's an idea that was given to me by God. And it came out of women in business, what we were doing, because we were actually promoting the female business owners here on St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John. So I thought a magazine would be a perfect marketing tool as well.

Twanna Henderson: Wow, that's pretty amazing. And very innovative, as well. And I'm sure it's got to be a lot of hard work. I would think that having even one business, but definitely having a multiple businesses has to be challenging at times. What challenges have you faced since starting your businesses and your magazine?

Ruth King-Chaseau: Okay. So the challenges that I've faced, first of all, obviously, with any small business, the first challenge you have is finances. Not being able to afford you know, a lot of stuff. So, but thank God he has been providing. We have the fact of finances, that's one of the challenges. Other challenges, being a pastorss wife, and people accepting the fact that I am known in the community. My business, Women in Business. So a lot of the different functions that are held by the government and stuff like that. So since we grew up, or in the Virgin Islands, or in the Caribbean, it's not traditional for a woman to have a business or be a part of an organization. Like, what I'm doing right now. So I do get a lot of kickback times from the older church goers, Christians.

Twanna Henderson: Okay. Wow. Okay. So I didn't realize that that was sort of, you know, kind of a taboo, you know, for a woman particularly still in this day and age.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Yes, it is. It is very much still. Some of the, some of the churches, recently one of the pastors actually came up to me and he spoke about, you know, me being a part of women in business and I'm not really public, I try my best to stay in the background, but people know, the businesses belong to me. So I think, you know, a times they do have problems with that. Seeing me. Because usually a pastor's wife sits at the front of the church and you know, she's behind the scenes.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah. Well, that was before that was the old pastor's wife. The new pastor's wife is totally different. Yeah. Absolutely. She's owning multiple businesses. So yeah, but that's got to be difficult, particularly you know, with your church, and, and just with some of the cultural, you know, norms that you are encountering with that. But obviously, you have a passion for business. Where does that come?

Ruth King-Chaseau: My passion?

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, yeah.

Ruth King-Chaseau: I would say my passion for business comes from my upbringing. And seeing and as I mentioned before, it been in my DNA. Having, you know, coming from a family where they own so many businesses. Also my passion, I would say, my passion, for business comes from the fact that I really love to see women succeed. And I think in business is one of the areas where I really like to see women just grow and not only that, my passion comes from the fact that we have to be able to finance the kingdom. If we want to see more people come to know Christ as Lord and Savior, then we have to be able to do our part in financing in the kingdom. And my goal is at the end of the day is whatever profits we make it goes back into the kingdom. And I think that's my passion because I want to see, I want to see more people come to know Christ.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, yeah. And I think that's a beautiful motivation for you know, wanting to be in business and, and just not be in business but be so successful in business. What would you recommend initially, for women who are interested in starting a business as a person or a woman of faith?

Ruth King-Chaseau: I would recommend that you pray, pray a lot. The first thing you do is pray. Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."

Twanna Henderson: Yeah.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Before starting a business, you have to make sure you spend time with God. Make sure you are in his will because it's not going to work.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah.

Ruth King-Chaseau: It's not going to work. A lot of people start businesses and it just doesn't work. So when you create a business, or when you have a business idea or a plan, share it with God, make sure it is the center of his well. He will make sure that you accomplish what you started as long as you give it to him. Write the vision, make it clear, have a plan and stick to it.

Twanna Henderson: Yea. I think that's so key. Having a plan.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Yes, yes, yes, you have to have a plan. Do your research. Do your research to see you know, the type of business and if it is gonna be profitable. Also do your research, there's a lot of resources that are that's out there, I know, I got a lot of help from FBDC. The EDA. I also got a lot of help from the Chamber of Commerce. So find, find local organizations that can actually help you with your planning of your business. And prepare. Hold the bull by the horns and just go forward. And there are times when you're gonna fail. There will be times when you're going to you're gonna question like, why am I doing this? So, but if you know exactly what's your mission, what's your vision and what God told you, then you're gonna do it. And it's going to be successful. Walt Disney, I like to look at Walt Disney. Walt Disney said that, I think it was 300 times he tried to get a loan and he was turned down. And in business, you are going to be turned down a lot. I've been turned down a lot. Many projects I have been turned down. But God always makes a way. He always makes a way. So stick to it. Don't give up. Show up, always show up, do what you're supposed to do. And God will do the rest.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, I think that is so good. Just having that sense of determination and, and really trusting Him because at the end of the day, we're talking about putting that trust in the Lord. You know, even when we can't always see it, you know, that we are you know, that's what faith is. What we cannot see. And so just trusting Him, even when we can't always trace him, you know, but leaning into him. Now the thing that inquiring minds and particularly this inquiring mind right here wants to know, how do you maintain balance between having multiple businesses? I know you have a full time job as well, being a pastor's wife, having young children and a marriage. What keeps Ruth sane, and grounded?

Ruth King-Chaseau: To be honest, I would have to say obviously, it's the Holy Spirit. And not only that, but I have to say God has blessed me with an amazing husband. He gives me wings to fly.

Twanna Henderson: Oh my goodness, I love that.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Yes, in everything, every plan that I've brought him, every business idea, the only thing he would say is, babe, go ahead, do it. And that that warms my heart that I have that type of support. So if I'm not there for the kids, he's there.

Twanna Henderson: Hmm. Wow!

Ruth King-Chaseau: Wherever, wherever I'm not or whatever, I'm sacrificing, I know he's there. He's always there for me and for the kids. So I thank God every day. So that's how I maintain my balance. Without God giving him to me, I would not be able to do this. Without him.

Twanna Henderson: I think we need to have him to teach some other men.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Yeah, I think , I always tell people, that I mean, life hasn't been a bed of roses. I don't think life has been a bed of roses for any of us. But I will say like when I get up in the morning, and I see my husband next to me, I say this is God showing me his mercy. This is God's mercy. This is God showing me every morning, Ruth, I love you keep going just by seeing my husband and the way he the way he takes care of us in a way he is there for me to do what God has ordained for me to do. The way he supports me.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, that's that's, that's amazing. That's absolutely amazing. For him and then I'm sure because I'm sure as a pastor, you know, his time is limited as well. And so, you know, I would imagine as much as he supports you, you support him, too?

Ruth King-Chaseau: Yes, yes I certainly do.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, and that has to be a lot. Do you have like an inspiration or mentor in business?

st following I would say, and:

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, that's what the end of the book says. So you know, you've got these businesses, you've got this magazine. What's next for Ruth?

all of these women. There are:

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, that's so wonderful. testimony.

Ruth King-Chaseau: Thank you. That's that's what's next for me to have the churches filled with business women, and women who can actually help other women be the best version of themselves. Be all that God created them to be. Whether it is a single woman, the young teenage girl, just to build the kingdom. That's my purpose.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah, I think that's, I think that's an awesome purpose. And I think we all should be really, you know, motivated to reach you know, others. I mean, that's what we're called to do. We're called to, to multiply and to be able to share the gospel and to help direct others into the kingdom. You know, of course we can't do anything without the Lord on our side. Why is it so important for you to just to give God the glory for all of your successes?

Ruth King-Chaseau: Can you repeat the question? Sorry?

Twanna Henderson: I said, Why is it so important for Ruth to give God the glory for all of your successes? Because of course, we can't do anything without him on our side. So why is it important for you to give Him the glory for all of your successes? Because I hear you doing that throughout. And so why is that so important to you?

Ruth King-Chaseau: Because he is the reason why I am who I am today. He is the reason why I have these businesses. Here's the reason why, he was the one that gave me the vision. He was the one that brought my team together, because I do have a strong team of women, and everything, the reason why I give him all the glory, He is the reason for my success. And he continues to be the reason at every stage of my success. Recently, I was honored by the senators of the US Virgin Islands. And this is the first time that they're honoring like three people from St. Croix and the rest came from St. Thomas. St. Thomas is one of the bigger islands. So usually, when they do this honor in services, they usually choose a lot of the high profile women in the community. And I was so surprised to be, you know, nominated and to actually be there, to be honored. And I looked at and I and I was praying and I said God, how, why? You understand? Because people are asking themselves like, how I came out of nowhere. No, I didn't come out of nowhere I came, I came with a plan. I came with a purpose and God gave it to me. And I'm just saying that to say that I have to give him the glory, I have to give him the honor because on my own I'm nothing. Without him, I'm nothing everything that He has given to me. But it's my husband. The job that I have, these businesses. Everything that I have comes from Him. The family that I grew up in, it came from him so I give him glory, I give him the praise because he truly deserves it.

Twanna Henderson: Yeah. And I think that's why he has been blessing you and is continuing to bless you going all the way back to selling that popcorn. And I'm sure that, I'm sure there are women listening to this podcast who have business ideas and, and business dreams and many may need encouragement or or just a nudge to either get started with their business or just that something to help them to not give up on their dreams. Before we close can you just take a moment and pray for those women, as well as all of our listeners.

Ruth King-Chaseau: I will. Father, we come before you in the name of Jesus. Lord, we thank you for who you are and for all that you have done for us, dear God. We thank You for dying on the cross to save us from our sins, dear God. Lord God at this time I pray for the listeners, dear God. I pray dear Lord Jesus, that You would bless them. Lord, I pray dear God, that you will give them dear Lord God the desires of their heart, according to your will. I pray for those dear Lord God who have dreams who you have given gifts and talents to their God, I pray the Lord God that you will develop it, dear God and they will not go to sleep on it dear God but they will rise up, dear God and they will do all that you have created them to do. So at the end of their life, dear God, they will look back, they will look over their life, dear God, with joy and not with sorrow, dear Lord God. Father I pray that you will bless them. I pray dear Lord God for the single mother dear God. That's out there, that's wondering dear God. Give them with new ideas, give them inventions, give them the ability dear Lord Jesus to start businesses dear God. Those who have businesses already I pray that you will bless it dear God. Help them to grow dear God. Grow the business dear God. If they have to pivot, then Lord God you do what only you alone can do because at the end of the day, dear Lord Jesus, our goal, our mission dear Lord God is to be able dear Lord God, to be to bring people to know you as Lord and Savior. And if we can do it through our businesses, if we can do it through our giving, we thank you dear God. We thank you dear God. I thank you so much dear Lord God for this podcast. I thank you dear Lord God that you continue to bless Dr. Twanna dear Lord God. And bless the listeners, dear God. Father we thank you way for all that you have done and all that you're going to do in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Twanna Henderson: Amen. Well Ruth thank you so much for all that you do and the impact that you make as you represent women. You represent women well and just appreciate your heart and your dedication to seeing women advance in the kingdom of God. It was definitely a pleasure seeing you again and sharing with you today. To all of our listeners, thank you for joining us. I'm Twanna Henderson. Be blessed of the Lord

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About the Podcast

T Time: Spiritual conversations For, With and About Women.
T Time: Spiritual Conversations For, With and About Women a new podcast featuring Dr. Twanna Henderson, with special guest appearances in every episode. You will hear true inspirational stories from other women and about other women. Each episode will feel like you are sitting in on a very special gathering with some of your most life-giving friends over a cup of tea. Whether you are a working professional, serving in ministry, a stay-at-home mom or an empty nester, this podcast is for you.